Ena Satsuki

< Savage! - turned Garlean Assassin >

"Savages" – That's what they called her kin. Even after she was rescued from a life in mediocrity by the then Viceroy of Doma, she never quite escaped the spiteful ways in which her captors belittled her.


< Does your past rule your present? >

Born a child of the Bairon tribe, she grew up like most Xaela. In fact, her life was rather unremarkable until she fell in the hands of a Garlean scout squadron while traversing the deserts on her own.While their mission statement was solely focussed on reconnaissance on movements towards the steppes, the unrest in the region caused the then Viceroy of Doma to resort to more drastic measures of crowd control amidst the Garlean territory, including the abduction and "Garleanification" of local offspring.After having been captured, presented to the Viceroy and officially "saved" from her mediocrity, she was slowly handed down the ranks all the way to local Magistrates until the Rector of Yanxia found use in her.

Accepting her purpose as a mere pawn, the woman that took on the name Ena Satsuki embraced her newly found purpose as the Yanxia Rector's favorite assassination machine.Whether she took said name on for any other reason than to distance herself from her savage origin, or mayhaps, even for a sense of superiority compared to other Xaela remains a mystery.What however is known is that since the collapse of the Garlean Empire's foothold in the far east and the greater demise and uncertainty of the Empire's future, her loyalty and fealty to her superiors hasn't wavered the slightest.If anything, this subordinate killer puppy is all the more eager to prove her worth and loyalty to the empire by playing a role in its future.

Having spent nearly a decade working herself up the ranks within the century stationed in Yanxia, enduring not only discrimination but also degradation only to be fed slivers of recognition and praise whenever she was at the limit of what she could physically and mentally endure, she earned herself the nickname "Yellow Puppy" amidst legionaries of the Rector's century.If the rumors and chatter amidst legionaries were to be believed, it originated from the puppy'esque demeanor with which the then Rector often times belittled her. The reference to the color yellow on the other hand is an ever lasting reminder of her origin.The Bairon tribe's tradition of teaching their children to consume their own bodily fluids in order to stay hydrated during their journeys throughout the desert is a custom frequently brought up to extinguish even the faintest hope of ever being anything other than a savage needed to be domesticated and civilized.


< What's the G .. Garlic Empire? >

Garlean – While Ena has been mostly confined to Yanxia and the greater far east and only engaged with a single ~100 Legionary strong Century, chances are the rumors of a Savage, over-eager to prove her worth have spread past her borders.And even if you had never heard of her, a Xaela sporting a blade of Garlean engineering should serve as a marker for at least something in common.

Non Garlean – Ena's profession can certainly be considered that of a ruthless killer.After all, she is rather meticulous about it, as failure isn't well received by her superiors. Chances are, you might encounter her during her preparations.Whether that leads her to socialize in a local pub in order to gain intel, or for her to be in need of other professional's services in order to craft and modify equipment or to stock up on supplies.

Misc. – General combat encounters, befriending of people who can provide medical aid, rivalries, fellow assassins with overlapping targets or other mature themed encounters are all very much welcome.I predominantly desire Ena's character to develop and as much as I would like to taste your muffins, unless they are the pretext to something else, I don't consider Ena getting chubby a worthwhile RP endeavor.


< Don't hurt yourself, fool! >

NSFW themes and kink in general are close to her character and always a possibility should they develop naturally. – Which doesn't mean that it requires hours of setup but every encounter is desired to further her character's development and relationships rather than to be something that might as well not have happened.Decades of degradation and discrimination by her superiors as well as ordinary Garleans, at times even those standing lower in rank than her, have thoroughly nourished her own desire for the taboo and dark themes.Hence, if you are a flower plucking bunny boy, you might as well try yourself at appealing to her cold heart in hopes of kindling a compassionate romance, but you shouldn't be surprised if she naturally drifts towards a hunky bear of a Roegardyn for no other reason than to relive the countless memories of her earning praises and appreciation by entertaining the kind of fantasies men won't even tell their wives about./c/ena satsuki